Gridsome, github, netlify, 8base

Yeah, it’s pretty much safe, I guess, but the name is fine too, thanks.
So, you have reached the users limit for the default 8base auth profile (it is 5 for the free plan).
Your implementation is alright as I see from my quick review. Just clear Users’ table records and try to sign up again.

in my console there are no users.

Oh, I get it.
Please destroy all of your records using userDestroyByFilter mutation.
Here is the little info on the subject

but i didnt delete them using a mutation, I can bearly get that thing to work. i dont understand. so now…can i send this mutation from within 8base explorer?

Im sorry i dont have the ability to do this. I dont understand. where are these users?

i cannot even query them

how would i filter the destroy mutation?
is there an sdk/docs details of how to use userDestroyByFilter mutation?

something like this?

I linked the explanation earlier:
There are soft and hard delete in 8base. You execute soft one when deleting records from data builder interface. Deleted records are still in DB till they are hard deleted. You can use withDeleted: true argument to see soft deleted records:

I understand the explanation in the docs. but i dont understand from where I send the destroy mutation. and how to filter, i havent learnd that part of graphql yet. do i need to write a function with the mutation in my frontend that destroys the users just so I can start over? or can I send the destroy mutation from the graphql explorer inside 8base?

how should I filter them?

You can use our API Explorer straight from your workspace (in fact you can use any client for sending POST request to your API like curl, Postman etc).
Here is the step-by-step guide:

  1. You get the ids of users, executing usersList mutation
  2. Execute userDestroyByFilter mutation passing the ids of these records or using other predicate like is_not_empty - it will destroy all the records which ids are not null

You can use auto-generated documentation for your API or Explorer feature to learn more about available queries/mutations and build it with the right syntax.

thanks. I did it. they are gone. still cant signup/login. but i dont understand why there isnt an automatic user called “owner”. doesnt this make sense to have this from the start?

Have you still got the same error about reaching the limit?

no its something different now.

GraphQL error: Cannot read property 'email' of null

do you think this is correct for Apoolo config? :

export default function() {
  return {
    httpEndpoint: process.env.BASE_ENDPOINT,
    httpLinkOptions: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.EIGHTBASE_API_TOKEN}`,

by the way I AM ABLE to get query from 8base. like in the app, getting data works fine.

I suppose you are losing your email somewhere in the code.
Can you try to execute userSignUpWithPassword mutation straight to your API endpoint?
Postman example:

just did it with postman…

“could not send request” it timed out.

then i also tried after this to send a post with a bad authProfileId, on porpoise, just to see what happens, and it returned right away saying “AuthenticationProfile not found”

so this means that it does go to 8base and try to post. and the authProfileId is good. its something else. maybe the profile itself

now i tried again and got : “Unexpected error value: { code: “UserLambdaValidationException”, name: “UserLambdaValidationException”, message: “PreSignUp failed with error The limit is reached for metric ‘appUsers8base’…” }”,

a simple query in postman does not work. but in the frontend this simple query returns data

This particular one happens when you do GET request instead of POST.

We’ll look into this error, seems like users haven’t been deleted from Cognito user pool.
I will come back to you shortly.

I want to delete the workspace and start another one.

is this ok?

will I be able to start another free tier workspace?

Yes, you surely can start another free one.
Make sure you delete your ws via dropdown of the workspace card on developer-home like this:

Hello @JoeBat!
We’ve investigated this one and found the server-side problem with decreasing the appUsers8base metric.
Fix will be released in the near time so I’ll let you know.
A temporary workaround to try out auth and debug your stuff, for now, is to create a new workspace (as you have already done). Sorry for that.
How’s your authentication flow? Do you need any help with that?