Week 10: Import/Export Workspace Schemas

You don’t have to start every Workspace from scratch…seriously. You can export a Workspace’s schema, save it, and then import it into new Workspaces. Here’s how!


ImportExport Workspace Schemas (screenshot 1)

Now, take that schema file and store it somewhere handy. You could also share it with a friend or loved one. Doesn’t matter! All that matters is that the file you created can be imported to any Workspace, like so:


ImportExport Workspace Schemas (screenshot 2)

If you have any questions about this, definitely ask them in the 8base Community!

Happy Developing!


how can i export an environment schema

Hey @jetixsolorzano ,

Sorry for the late reply. If you use 8base environment set to set the environment you’re working in, the export command should work in that environment.