Webflow + 8base

Hey Guys,

has anyone ever made this tutorial work? https://www.8base.com/blog/setting-up-user-profiles-and-authentication-on-webflow

I am struggling. The console says the user is logging in, but there is no redirect happening and also no user in my 8base dashboard.

Webflow has the ability to release read only and cloneable projects. Maybe somebody could hook me up. This would be a huge help <3


Hey Kai!

After your user logs-in, if you run EightBase.store.get("auth"); in the browser inspector what does it return?

Did the paths you specified here match your Webflow page routes?

    * CONFIG!
    * This object supplies some required info to the module.
    * You're  */
   endpoint: "<PUT_YOUR_8BASE_API_ENDPOINT>",
   authProfileId: "<PUT_YOUR_8BASE_AUTH_PROFILE_ID>",
   routes: {
     loginRedirect: "/profile",
     logoutRedirect: "/sign-in",
     private: ["/profile"],

Yes they do! Is there anything I have to configure in the 8base dashboard beforehand? There was nothing in the turorial…

Console Log:

Logging in user…
sign-up:226 Objectcode: (…)details: (…)locations: (…)message: (…)path: (…)ob: we {value: {…}, dep: ce, vmCount: 0}get code: ƒ ()set code: ƒ (t)get details: ƒ ()set details: ƒ (t)get locations: ƒ ()set locations: ƒ (t)get message: ƒ ()set message: ƒ (t)get path: ƒ ()set path: ƒ (t)proto: Object 0 Array(1)
2sign-up:207 Logging in user…
sign-up:226 Object 0 Array(1)
2sign-up:207 Logging in user…
sign-up:226 Object 0 Array(1)
sign-up:226 Object 0 Array(1)
sign-up:226 Object 0 Array(1)
sign-up:207 Logging in user…
sign-up:226 Object 0 Array(1)

Kai, was this resolved? I am having the same issue…

I have been working on a Firebase/Webflow user authentication solution.

We have a mobile application and want to use the same user logins for the web app and eCommerce.

The good folks at Webflow say there is a user authentication solution coming along, until then it’s looking like Zapier to the rescue.