Unauthorized access for password reset

Any Idea why this is happening?

I was following the auth0-login-examples-master
I have enabled role permissions for User Forgot Password


I’ve got your issue. I’ll let you know soon.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer


This conversation will continue with Vyacheslav. He’ll help you to resolve your issue.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer

could you check permissions for Guest role to userForgotPassword resolver (it should be under the settings section)?

I can assume that the access_denied error comes from auth0 because your auth0 app have not permissions.
Try to create Machine to Machine app with all permissions and use auth configs at auth0-fns/utils/auth0.js (screenshot 3)

const domain = '<AUTH0_DOMAIN>'
const clientId = '<AUTH0_CLIENT_ID>'
const clientSecret = '<AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET>'