Unable to create env branch

Issue Description: What’s happening?

Getting “Perform update on default or system application is forbidden” when trying to create a branch from the Master environment.

Reproduce the Issue: What steps can someone take to replicate the problem?

  1. Run 8base environment branch --name=[branch_name] --mode=SYSTEM

Expected Behavior: What did you expect to happen?

The branch to be created.

Actual Behavior: What actually happened?

Received “Perform update on default or system application is forbidden”


I’ll give you a response as soon as possible.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer


Could you give your workspace ID and environment name, please? It will help me to solve your issue.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer


Great, thanks! I’ll check what’s wrong. I’ll let you know soon.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer

I’ve investigated your problem and found that it’s an internal server error, We will release hotfix soon and let you know
For now, if it is possible for your workflow, you can perform a full branch. Just run “8base environment branch --name=[branch_name]”

It should work now, check, please!

Now we’re getting this error:

error: Id field already indexed as primary by default. By the way this field can be part of multi index. Choose a another additional fields.
error: Time: 395,149 ms.

hi! working on it. anyway, did you try to create full branch?

Hi, Jason! Has your problem been solved?

We have found out the reason for such behavior and will resolve the issue soon.
The problem caused by manually created unique index on the “Legue” table and the “Invite Code” field.
To fix it by yourself - just delete the “InviteCodeIndex” index you’ve created. By the way, unique fields are being indexed automatically, so there is no need to create additional indexes for these.

We’ve released a fix and you should be able to run the system branch. Check it, please, and let us know if all is good. Thanks!