Unable to access 8Base GraphQL API for schema-documentation introspection from external GraphQL-Playground

I figured out how to make a query from outside via GraphQL Playground to my 8Base API. I think it is not directly clear for the user how to update the role and that he has to click on the role name to get to the permission section for all the configuration. but after you explained it to me i have found it and the query works with my generated API-Token an the setted Header {“Authorization”: “Bearer XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXX”}

what is not working is to have a GraphQL-API introsepction, means that the clients from outside have no clue what fields the api deliver, whether it is a query, a mutation or a subscription. I need a way to see the included documentation of my 8Base API.

Thank you for any help, best regards, tim

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Hey Tim!

Sorry for the confusion here. The roles and permission feature on 8base is a really important feature, as it protects your data. Updating a role to have full access will easily allow you to make a call from other GraphQL playgrounds! That said, if you want the power of documentation explorer with introspection, check out the API Explorer in 8base. It’s all in there.

Right now, we’re unable to support introspection on 3rd party GraphQL playgrounds.

Hopefully soon :slight_smile:

hey sebastian - we do support that.

@devtim which API Playground are you using? I use GraphiQL and it works.

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