Sign Up Email Confirmation

In my example email is sent to db but firstName, lastName and other fields are not sent, what to do?

Can you please share:

  1. The actual Mutation string for your CREATE_USER_MUTATION variable.
  2. Confirm that event.user.given_name is actually accessing the intended value.

Here is my mutation:
I donā€™t really know if event.user.given_name is actually accessing the intended value, can you please share how can I check it?

I want to put correct fields in to 8base db

Add a console.log() statement to your code in the function and console out the user data.

console.log("Event data: ", JSON.stringify(event))
console.log("User data: ", JSON.stringify(event.user))

Let us know whatā€™s coming through.

Event user result - { email: "", tenant: ā€œseefirstā€, user_id: ā€œauth0|612682a02c1cc90071080292ā€, app_metadata: {}, user_metadata: {}, email_verified: false, phone_verified: false }
My steps: I want firstly regitster user in auth0 then in 8base, for this I use auth0 action custom flow but it returns no values, what I need to do?


Itā€™s almost done. Sorry for the long wait. Thereā€™re a lot of urgent tasks. Our developers are doing their best.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer


Weā€™ve done! Link:

In this example:

// AUTH0_CONNECTION (Username-Password-Authentication)

You need to add these variables in 8base env vars.

This example has a restriction so in this case, you need to turn off in auth0 the register on the universal login page. Otherwise, users who have registered through auth0 - universal login will not create in the 8base base. Donā€™t forget to configure auth0 and add all the variables that I mentioned before.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer