How to query fileUploadSignInfo to get filestack keys?

If I understand the documentation correctly, I am meant to query my graph for FileStackSignInfoResponse which will contain

policy: String!
signature: String!
apiKey: String!
path: String!

Using the API explorer however I am unable to construct this query - this is as far as I can get

query FileUploadSignInfo {
  system {
    fileUploadSignInfo {

Am I understanding correctly? Maybe there is some configuration. Do I need a separate Filestack account (I have one). I does seem as though it is provided for me through 8base though.

Hey @mathieutozer.

Have you tried with the next query?

query FileUploadSignInfo {
  system {
    fileUploadSignInfo {
      ... on FileStackSignInfoResponse {

Let me now if you need something else or have any doubts.


That did it! I guess I didn’t know how to read the explorer documentation right / didn’t know to select the type using ... on.

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Great! I’m glad you found it useful.