How can i filter by a no-unique field

Hi, i was trying to make an update and filter this by a relation with other tables, but it only let me filter by the field with unique values, is it possible to filter by a no- unique field ?


Could you send your mutation and schema, please? Just want to make sure that I understand you correctly.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer

I wanted to filter by a relational field value

in this case “vehicleID” but it only let me filter by it’s unique values, is it possible to filter by it’s relational field values?

Thanks, I’ve got your problem. I’ll give you a full response soon.

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer


You can remove “ID” postfix from the name of the table, because your tables ownerID and vehicleD are full-fledged entities.

Here’s an example of mutation for your issue:

query myQuery {
  ownersList(filter: {vehicleTable: 
        {not_equals: "2007-12-25T16:15:30Z"}}}) {
          items {
             vehicleTable {

Lada Kokotova | Technical Support Engineer