Files uploaded via the console can't be set to "public = true" within the console?

Unless I’m mistaken, 8base automatically:

  • adds a “File” table
  • which has a “Public” boolean field
  • and assigns a “Guest can view file if it is set to public = true” permission:
  "public": {
    "equals": true

But what I don’t see is any way via the console to edit that “Public” boolean value for files I upload via the console? So to view any file in my app that is uploaded via the console I must remove the “is public” custom permission for all files and I can only assign all files: “Everyone can read All Records” permission? Is this right?

OR, I upload file via console but then perform a mutation via Graphiql API Explorer or code in the app to change that file from Public = False to Public = True?

(Note: I’ve created a Media table where I can set each file’s “is public” permissions at that level and also add file meta data etc… BUT that, of course, doesn’t change the permissions to the underlying files themselves.)


Hello, you right in both cases. In the future we will allow to choose between public true and public false when upload via console.