Error with CF Time out

Hi, I wanted to ask, in 8base documentation says that I can configure timeout time up to 900 seconds, but when I deploy it, when the CF last more than 30s it gives me an error, what am i doing wrong?

Please share a snippet showing how you are setting the timeout configuration.

This is the way that I am configuring the time out setting

@Fomich can you please have the team investigate this. Opening ticket!

Hey guys @sebastian.scholl @jetixsolorzano !

Note that timeout setting works for your custom functions in general (e.g you have massive data operations or other logic prior the query/mutation in your resolver, or there is no query/mutation to API within the function at all), the 29 sec timeout is max for every query/mutation you run.

So, basically expanded timeout works for functions you call from the lambda with help of context.invokeFunction method. If you call resolver or any other function via HTTPS to our API gateway it would always have a limit of 29 seconds. context.invokeFunction calls lambda directly avoiding the HTTPS layer.

You can call resolver that calls task or any other extension with parameter waitForResponse = false to invoke long-running functions.