EntityNotFoundError: AuthenticationProfile not found

Hi There,

I’m getting this error if I tried to signup a new user with the ‘userSignUpWithToken’ Mutation with used an idToken from Auth0 profile

The profile information from Auth0 callback looks like:

auth0User {
  user: {
    nickname: 'auser2',
    name: 'auser2@email.ghostinspector.com',
    picture: '...',
    updated_at: '....',
    email: 'auser2@email.ghostinspector.com',
    email_verified: true,
    sub: 'auth0|5ecbd173b97b720cdeece594'
  createdAt: 1590417069141,
  idToken: '....'

and so I send a POST to Mutation ‘userSignUpWithToken’ with the idToken as bearer token in the authorization header with the following vars:

  "user": {
       "email": "auser2@email.ghostinspector.com"
   "authProfileId": "auth0|5ecbd173b97b720cdeece594"

and I got this error back:

    "data": null,
    "errors": [
            "message": "AuthenticationProfile not found",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 2,
                    "column": 5
            "path": [
            "code": "EntityNotFoundError",
            "details": {
                "profile": "AuthenticationProfile not found"

Any idea? I might using the wrong setting of Auth0 on 8Base?

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Same problem.I am actually using Postman to remove any platform specific problem

You need to add you auth to our system and use our internal auth profile id. You can see how to do it here https://docs.8base.com/docs/8base-console/authentication/#your-own-auth0-account

yeap, I followed that doc and added it already

The only value in the Auth0 seeting form I am not sure off is: ‘Auth Management Domain’, I am using the same domain that I used for Auth0 Domain.

Could you run next request from our api explorer and sent response here?

query {
  authenticationProfilesList {
    items {
  "data": {
    "authenticationProfilesList": {
      "items": [
          "id": "ck87m0b64000v08l394ppflre"

You need to use this id ck87m0b64000v08l394ppflre as authProfileId.
Please, try to run you original request with next data:

  "user": {
       "email": "auser2@email.ghostinspector.com"
   "authProfileId": "ck87m0b64000v08l394ppflre"
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