Connected table id field not set in mutation results

After using a mutation query, I expect the connected table fields to be populated on the result of the mutation endpoint call. In the example below, I connect status and type, so I expect statusId and typeId to be set in the mutation result object.

Is this normal or would it be considered a bug?

“operationName”: “CreateItem”,
“query”: “mutation CreateItem($title: String) {\n itemCreate(\n data: {title: $title, type: {connect: {id: "clsce551w07c009l41uccfg23"}}, status: {connect: {id: "clsciegbd07280ak04wu440k6"}}}\n ) {\n id\n nID\n title\n typeId\n statusId\n points\n dueDate\n epicId\n epic {\n id\n title\n __typename\n }\n questions: comments(\n filter: {type: {equals: "Question"}, resolved: {equals: false}}\n ) {\n count\n __typename\n }\n blockedBy {\n items {\n id\n nID\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n blocks {\n items {\n id\n nID\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}”,
“variables”: {
“title”: “Test”

Endpoint result:

“itemCreate”: {
“id”: “clshzaq6f08g309l59yj35lml”,
“nID”: 35,
“title”: “Test”,
“typeId”: null,
** “statusId”: null,**
“points”: null,
“dueDate”: null,
“epicId”: null,
“epic”: null,
“questions”: {
“count”: 0,
“__typename”: “CommentListResponse”
“blockedBy”: {
“items”: [],
“__typename”: “ItemListResponse”
“blocks”: {
“items”: [],
“__typename”: “ItemListResponse”
“__typename”: “Item”

Here’s a cleaned up and stripped down version. You can see “typeId” is null in the response.

  "operationName": "CreateItem",
  "query": `
    mutation CreateItem($title: String) {
      itemCreate(data: {
        title: $title,
        type: {
          connect: {
            id: "clsce551w07c009l41uccfg23"
      }) {
  "variables": {
    "title": "Test"


  "itemCreate": {
    "id": "clshzaq6f08g309l59yj35lml",
    "title": "Test",
    "typeId": null,
    "__typename": "Item"