Confused about how authentication works in 8base

Hi Sebastian,

  1. As a test, even with the Guest role (which this example user is assigned to within 8base) has a setting of Users: “Read = All Records”, still equals the same results,.

  2. Quadruple checked 8base end point url. No CI/CID environment used at the moment.

Sole query fetch data below:

  • 8base endpoint is confirmed
  • Auth0 idToken is a confirmed JWT with the 8base user’s email contained within

There are no other requirements? Thanks.

// Test an auth connection to 8base
const rawResponse = await fetch(config.EIGHTBASE_API_ENDPOINT, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`,
  body: JSON.stringify({ query: "{ user { id } }" })

As you can see there is NO info passed from app to 8base such as these 8base settings:

  • Authentication Profile ID
  • Client id
  • Domain

However, one of the 8base auth profiles does have the Auth0 settings:

  • Auth0 Domain
  • Auth0 Client ID
  • Auth0 Client Secret
  • Auth Management Domain (same as Auth0 Domain, yes?)

@hello so if your Guest role is configured to have read all access to a table, no Authentication token is required. However, based on your description, all I can suspect is that the idToken is not being properly issued.