I’m new to 8base so apologies if this is barking up the wrong tree. Some background info first: I would like to use 8base to create a multi-tenanted app that supports API Tokens for each Customer, so they can create their own consuming applications. I’d like consuming applications to be scoped to each Customer’s data. I have found one possible way to do this using one Role per API Token per Customer with the Permissions within each Role to restrict visibility appropriately. Obviously this isn’t the best scaling strategy.
What I’m really wondering is if there is an equivalent of __loggedInUserId
for API Tokens? My testing shows that the requesting API Tokens don’t seem to be available in the context of filters.
If this existed then I could add a relationship to an API Token for each record in my Customers table and use one role to filter data by the requesting API Token value with something like:
"customer": {
"apiToken": {
"id": {
"equals": "__requestingApiToken"
I appreciate any pointers in the right direction!